About The Pretty Profesional

What is the Pretty Professional’s Guide?

The Pretty Professional’s Guide is for the Millennial Professional who wants to own their career or tackle a goal like a boss and do it flawlessly.

Pretty Professional Goals:

To help the modern day professional expedite their transition into adulthood. Ease the growing pains associated with adulting. Whether the pain be caused by  diving head first into corporate america, saving up for a major purchase, or general support getting your life together. Take advantage of my experiences learning things the hard way so you do not have to.

Pretty Professional Objectives:

PPG will feature products, apps, books, guest, and general advice to help you navigate life seamlessly.


A Pretty Professional Mission:

As millennials we are plagued with the stresses of adulthood made increasingly more stressful by combating the stereotypes that have categorized  our generation. As the group who grew up exposed to endless information, the goal is to leverage experience coupled with the simplicity of the internet to lend a helping hand to those coming up the ranks There is no reason we can’t reconstruct social norms and be fabulous at the same time.”

-The Pretty Professional